Friday, January 25, 2008

Hoya Philosopher-Kings: Epologue

In retrospect, getting dragged into an email flame war with right-wing talk-radio host John Ziegler was not only juvenile, but completely irrelevant to the purpose of Greene Futures. Many apologies to my wonderful readers especially, but also to Mr. Ziegler. He is what he is, and is entitled to his opinions, no matter how bigoted I consider them. And Greene Futures is certainly not the place to seek for monsters to destroy.

Thusly, in the future, Greene Futures will be resolutely dedicated to the future. Leave the politicking to the present.

Best regards,

Geoff Greene


  1. This is "Mr. Ziegler" again. I have just spent the last 10 minutes laughing my ass off at this post. Thanks so much!

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but the shortness and lack of proper punctuation/grammer in my responses is due to the fact that I get about 2-300 e-mail a day, all of which I try to respond to personally. This does not leave much time for detailed responses, especially to people that I do not know and who do not appear to possess a day job.

    Thanks again for the laughs.


  2. Geoff,

    There does seem to be a number of ad hominem hits in your piece, including reference to Google Alerts and punctuation.

    This post is well below your usual standards of quality.
